CellScale’s innovative products provide versatile and cost-effective solutions for a wide range of testing needs. Whether you need mechanical testing or tissue stimulation, rest assured that CellScale has the expertise to deliver accurate and reliable results. Explore our product range for the perfect biomaterial testing solution and contact our team today for personalized guidance.
Mechanical Testing
The UniVert series is the most versatile and effective mechanical tester for forces up to 10kN. Its features, ease of use, and extensive accessories make it suitable for customized test setups, high-volume testing, or classroom teaching.
Both versions of the MicroTester are suitable for micro-sized specimens including hydrogels, micro-tissues, and micro-fibers. The MicroTester can achieve force resolution down to 10nN with valuable image feedback and low-cost consumables.
The market leader for biaxial testing of biomaterials, the BioTester comes with 4 actuators, high-resolution imaging, a temperature-controlled media bath and 3 specimen mounting options. Available in 3 packages to suit a wide range of applications and budgets
MechanoCulture J1
Uniaxial tension stimulation to tissue constructs in 6 wells. The system captures force/displacement data for each well throughout the test.
MechanoCulture TX
Uniaxial compression stimulation to tissue constructs in 6 wells. The system captures force/displacement data for each well throughout the test.
MechanoCulture TR
Hydrostatic pressure stimulation on cells and tissue constructs in 9 culture wells.
Educational Tools
Custom Solutions
UniVert Classroom
Equipment, curriculum, and supplies geared for undergraduate labs
Custom Solutions
15 years of experience building effective test solutions